Sunday 10 March 2019

Down on the Farm

The Pumpkin Patch

Some of Abner Doolans first experiments and developments were in developing crops that could protect themselves from those pesky adventurers and by extension; theives, animals, dragons and the like. The most visible of these if you visit the farm are his pumpkins. In which he takes great pride. 

Attack pumpkin:
HD 1-5. Hp 5-25. 
Medium plant
Speed as dog
Int: just below a dog
Armor: ac 14  as warrior in leather armor. Pumpkins are fast and agile but have a thick rind and are round and orange and as such are somewhat easy to hit
Attack: bite +hd to hit. 1d4+hd damage.
If a dog were a pumpkin 

These little guys start out looking much like a normal pumpkin plant. The seeds are a bit bigger and oddly are sharp along the edges so if you somehow manage to get your hands on some use gloves, before sowing the seeds lightly file the edges to dullness, this lets the leaves emerge from the shell without damage. Sow the seeds in spring when the danger of frost is gone and preferably in direct sunlight but they can thrive in partial shade. They require plenty of water and space to grow, 
With a  bit of luck or some skill in no time you'll have 4-5 little pumpkins sprouting on each vine.  This is where their care and feeding differ from the more, traditional pumpkin. When attack pumpkins are 3-4 inches across they begin to develop teeth, eyes and given they they respond to verbal commands ears, though farmer Doolan says it's just a fancy form of feeling vibrations through the ground, as well as 4 tiny legs. Right from the get go these little guys are aggressive. The pups that share a vine will attack and likely kill and consume the smallest or weakest of the litter while still on the vine. This is how they grow in size. Herbivorous in nature attack pumpkin pups are merciless and vicious and if you want a large litter of small pumps they need to be seperated and fed on other root vegetables such as potatoes or carrots, tho they will preferentially eat fresh pumpkin flush over anything else. The more pumpkin they eat the bigger they get. Training should start right away as attack pumpkins will not normally attack animals and can easily devastate your other crops if let loose, luckily or possibly by design young pups are impressionable like ducks and early in the season you can see Farmer Doolan with a string of em after hims while the tills the soil. after a week or two the vine dries and they break free of the mother plant and can roam about independently. They stop getting nutrition from the soil and their nutritional needs soar, its recommended at this point to either let this fight until you have thinned the pups to a few of the strongest or to limit feeding as they can each eat up to 20 lb of fresh pumpkin a day while young and much more when fully grown. 
A fully grown attack pumpkin can be 2-3 feet across, and though round and comical looking can run at least as fast as a dog, has a mouth extending across half its body filled with nai like teeth and can swallow whole anything much smaller than it. 

Casper pumpkin:
Hd: 1-2 HP 5-10
Small plant
Speed: as a dog +10
Int as a bird
Armor: 16 as a halfling in leather: small pale and fast much faster and more agile than thier progenitors they are pale and hide easily in undergrowth
Attack : bite 1d4 +hd
Special: 2 in 6 chance to hid in undergrowth while not in direct sunlight. Encountered in packs of 3-12 1-10 chance any attack will miss at the pumpkin is insubstantial at that time. 
Tiny little pack hunting partially ghost pumpkins

Several breeds have been produced by Farmer Doolan through cross breeding and a healthy dose of fertilizer and magic. The casper attack pumpkin only measures a max of 12 inches across but unlike traditional attack pumpkins are gregarious and live and hunt in packs of 3-10. This variety has also developed a strange ability to become incorporeal, they either can't control this or are not smart enough to control it as they seem to become incorporeal somewhat at random, giving them a ghostly visage and their name. This variety are mostly detritivores and live on dead plants and animal matter, as such they are both more aggressive and harder to see in undergrowth, able to bring down creatures and shrubberies much bigger than themselves they wait until the item has begun to decay before feasting. 

Colossus pumpkin
Hd 5-10 hp 25-50
Large to colossal plant
Speed as human
Int as well trained dog
Armor 18 as human in plate with shield: bright orange and round slow and covered in a thich resinous hide and thick. Bludgeoning weapons have a hard time causing damage. 
Attack bite to hit +hd  bite 1d8+hd damage. Plus attempt to swallow whole if targets size is medium or less. Charge 1d6 +10 to hit. Overrun 1d10 
Think a big ass bull with teeth that wants to eat you.

This breed has been selected for one reason only, size. This is the biggest of pumpkins. Big slow and vicious. A pumpkin only gets this big through viscous out competition and selective breeding. These are the pride and joy of Abner Doolans pumpkin breeding program. And have won every Pumpkin contest he's entered in. 

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